The Modern Art Notes Podcast

This week's Modern Art Notes Podcast features artist Andrea Zittel. A survey of Zittel's work, titled "Lay of the Land," is on view now at the Baltic Center for Contemporary Art in Gateshead, England. Zittel lives and works at A-Z West outside Joshua Tree, Calif., an enterprise that encompasses "all aspects of day to day living, [in which] home furniture, clothing, food all become the sites of investigation in an ongoing endeavor to better understand human nature and the social construction of needs." Zittel also operates High Desert Test Sites, a series of experimental art sites in the California desert.

In  the show's second segment, Katherine Ball, the first artist to live on Zittel's Indy Island, joins me to discuss her residency at the Indianapolis Museum of Art.

Direct download: MANPodcastEpisodeTwentyFour.mp3
Category:art -- posted at: 12:34pm EST