The Modern Art Notes Podcast

This week’s program is a very special, seasonal episode, a show that focuses on what the holidays are all about: Shopping!

My guest is artist Brian Ulrich, whose work examines American consumerism. His work is the subject of “Brian Ulrich: Copia — Retail, Thrift and Dark Stores, 2001-2011,” a solo exhibition on view now at the Cleveland Museum of Art. Aperture just published his new book, “Is This Place Great or What,” which features works from the “Copia” series.

For this week's draft, I'm joined by Andrew Russeth, who writes about art for the New York Observer and who edits the paper's visual art website, GalleristNY. His personal website is the fantastic 16 Miles of String. On the occasion of the Frick Collection opening a new space, Andrew and I will discuss our favorite single galleries in American museums.

Direct download: MANPodcastEpisodeSeven.mp3
Category:art -- posted at: 10:36am EST