The Modern Art Notes Podcast

This week's Modern Art Notes Podcast features MoMA curator Leah Dickerman, who has organized "Diego Rivera: Murals for the Museum of Modern Art." The exhibition is on view until May 14. Rivera was a staunch communist and his murals include scathing critiques of American-style capitalism during The Great Depression -- and of the Rockefeller family, which lavishly supported both MoMA and Rivera himself. The show -- and the conversation I have with Dickerman -- resounds with echoes of today's American economic situation.

In this week's draft, Indianapolis Museum of Art curator Lisa Freiman joins me to discuss which artists might represent the United States at the next Venice Biennale. The State Department is currently reviewing nominations for 2013. Freiman was the commissioner of the 2011 pavilion, at which the U.S. exhibited Allora and Calzadilla.

Direct download: MANPodcastEpisodeFive.mp3
Category:art -- posted at: 11:48am EST