The Modern Art Notes Podcast

On the occasion of a major survey of Richard Diebenkorn's Ocean Park paintings, exhibition curator Sarah Bancroft and conservator Ana Alba discuss the artist's work.

Direct download: MANPodcastEpisodeThirtyFour.mp3
Category:art -- posted at: 12:28pm EDT

Artist Fred Wilson, in a program taped live at the Toledo Museum of Art.

Direct download: MANPodcastEpisodeThirtyThree.mp3
Category:art -- posted at: 12:20pm EDT

This week's MAN Podcast spotlights the Philadelphia Museum of Art's "Gauguin, Cezanne, Matisse: Visions of Arcadia." with exhibition curator Joseph Rishel and catalogue essayist George Shackelford. 

Direct download: MANPodcastEpisodeThrityTwo.mp3
Category:art -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

This week's MAN Podcast features Jonathan Brown, the world's top Spanish art historian, talking about his new book, "Murillo: Virtuoso Draftsman" and Carnegie Museum of Art curator Amanda Donnan on the CMOA's Carnegie International blog.

Direct download: MANPodcastEpisodeThirtyOne.mp3
Category:art -- posted at: 11:39am EDT