The Modern Art Notes Podcast

Artist Michael Snow.

Direct download: MANPodcastEpisodeHundredSeventeen.mp3
Category:art -- posted at: 12:04pm EDT

Curators Leigh Arnold and Phyllis Tuchman

Direct download: MANPodcastEpisodeHundredSixteen.mp3
Category:art -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

Artist Sedrick Huckaby and architect Mark Carroll.

Direct download: MANPodcastEpisodeHundredFifteen.mp3
Category:art -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

Artists Saskia Olde Wolbers and Charles Simonds

Direct download: MANPodcastEpisodeHundredFourteen.mp3
Category:art -- posted at: 3:24pm EDT

Art historians Catherine Hess and Paula Nuttall, artist Scott Hocking

Direct download: MANPodcastEpisodeHundredThirteen.mp3
Category:art -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT