Thu, 26 January 2017
The Museum of Modern Art is showing Tony Oursler's Imponderable (2015-16), a 90-minute film shown in an immersive, so-called "5-D" environment, as well as archival material related to the film from Oursler's own collection. The film mines Ourlser's interest in experiments in technological advancement that didn't quite work out and occult phenomena to offer a kind of alternative history of modernism. The film is richly informed by Oursler's own life history. His grandfather was Charles Fulton Oursler, a journalist and author who teamed up with Harry Houdini to campaign against fraudulent mediumship. The exhibition was curated by MoMA's Stuart Comer and Erica Papernik-Shimizu. Imponderable is at MoMA through April 16. Oursler is a multimedia and installation artist whose work often examines and uses new technologies to explore topics such as facial recognition, paranormal phenomena and the relationship between multiple personality disorder and mass media. On the second segment, historian and curator Anne Classen Knutson discusses "World War I and American Art," which is at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts through April 9. The exhibition looks at how American artists responded to and engaged with the war, both in Europe and in the United States. Knutson co-curated the show with Robert Cozzolino and David Lubin. |
Thu, 19 January 2017
Artist Stanley Whitney. |
Thu, 12 January 2017
"Francis Picabia" co-curator Anne Umland, "John McLaughlin" curator Stephanie Barron. |
Thu, 5 January 2017
Artist Lorna Simpson, who is showing new work at the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth
Direct download: MANPodcastEpisodeTwoHundredSeventy.mp3
Category:visual art -- posted at: 3:18pm EST |
Thu, 5 January 2017
MAN Podcast host Tyler Green's 2016 top ten list, curator Paul Martineau on Minor White. |