The Modern Art Notes Podcast

Episode No. 666 features author and art historian Michael Lobel.

Lobel is the author of "Van Gogh and the End of Nature," which was just published by Yale University Press. The book interrogates Van Gogh's presentation of nature, and finds that Van Gogh was looking more intently at industry, pollution, and environmental degradation than is typically recognized. Bookshop and Amazon offer the book for about $42.

Lobel is a professor of art history at Hunter College and the Graduate Center, City University of New York. His previous books include Image Duplicator: Roy Lichtenstein and the Emergence of Pop Art (Yale University Press, 2002), James Rosenquist: Pop Art, Politics and History in the 1960s (University of California Press, 2009) and John Sloan: Drawing on Illustration (Yale University Press, 2014).

Instagram: Michael Lobel, Tyler Green.

Direct download: MANPodcastEpisodeSixHundredSixtySix.mp3
Category:visual art -- posted at: 7:39pm EDT